Pepak Bahasa Jawa Ngoko Ngoko Alus Krama Lugu Krama Alusl
It has 4 language, those are (1) Ngoko lugu, (2) Ngoko Alus, (3) Krama Lugu, (4) Krama Alus. Let me explain it one by one. 1. Ngoko Lugu is used when we are.... speech levels into ngoko lugu, ngoko andhap, madya, krama, basa kasar, and basa ... Stakeholders of Javanese culture were called or said wis (n) Jawa or wis ngerti ... lexicon krama, krama inggil or krama andhap on a variety of ngoko alus.... Namun Dalam video Belajar Bahasa Jawa yang dipandu oleh Mba Niken Larasati ini ada sekitar 111 Kosakata Bahasa Jawa Ngoko dan Bahasa.... Keywords: Javanese language, krama inggil. 1. , The family domain ... Poedjosoedarmo et all (1979): Tingkat Tutur Bahasa Jawa. Poedjosoedarmo et al ... ngoko and arma. Ngoko level sorted into ngoko lugu and ngoko alus.. Ya, ragam bahasa Jawa ada 4 yang masih dilestarikan, yakni basa ngoko lugu, basa ngoko alus, basa krama lugu dan basa krama alus.
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